Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Challenges of Leadership............(no longer keeping track of the weeks!)

Hey Mom!!!
I am really glad to hear about the 5K for Carson, that is so great of you guys. I wish I could be there to be in it! How was the half-marathon?? It sounds like the neighborhood BBQ was a success, how is the missionary work in the ward?
We had a good week this week, haha there never really is a bad one. I am just continuing to try and become a better leader, I feel like every companionship is going through some sort of a problem or another, and I just feel so inadequate as a leader sometimes when they ask me for advice on things that I have never really experienced, I am so grateful for the scriptures and the wisdom that we can learn from them. They have saved my bacon more than a few times (;
This is transfer week, crazy how fast they have been going lately. I have learned a lot these past 6 months as a Zone Leader, and I am fine to do it some more, but I would like to maybe try something different...haha its a stressful thing! I am pretty sure I will be staying in Roswell, but we will just have to see (:
I love and miss you mom. Thank you for these awesome past 19 years. You are my greatest example. Work hard, be safe, and know that I will be doing the same things (: You are doing great things back home, I am proud of you!!! I love you!
Love, Cody

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