Monday, February 3, 2014

Week 9 in Big Spring

Hey Mom!

Haha so my week..... Brittany's grandmother goes to a Pentecostal church, and when she heard that her and Mike were going to be baptized into the Mormon church, she had a "talk" with Brittany. So she got all confused, and they said that they didn't feel ready anymore. We tried so hard to do damage control and try and remind them of the feeling that they have felt, but they said they just couldn't be sure. So we had to move the date back a couple weeks. Talk about frustrating and heart breaking! Haha ugh the struggle. I was pretty upset, I haven't really had much success out here yet. Haha sometimes I wish I was called to one of the South America missions where they baptize like 5 people every week, but then I am reminded that for some reason, which I have yet to find out, I was called here. But I have been studying pretty hard in the scriptures and in Preach my Gospel lately and I have learned a lot about what success really is, so I am feeling a bit better. Just got to keep my head down and keep going! We met a pretty cool kid this week though, his name is Angel. He is 13 years old, and his family is Catholic, but he has been wanting to find a religion that he can call his own. Him Mother (speaks only Spanish) said that she respects all religions and that she was fine with us teaching him, which was a blessing. So we got a member to bring him to church yesterday, and he really enjoyed it. It was the perfect day too, fast Sunday. There aren't a lot of members out here, but the ones that are here have powerful testimonies, so it was good for Angel to hear that. We taught him the Plan of Salvation during second hour, and he understood well and really was encouraged by it, his father passed away a while ago. His first question to us when we found him was is he would be able to see his Dad again one about a golden investigator! So we are pretty excited to watch him progress and hopefully get him baptized this month! Other than that, we knocked a lot of doors this week, we are just trying and praying to find more people that the Lord has prepared to receive the truth. Haha its pretty interesting. Especially yesterday during the Super Bowl, haha that was a bad idea. You know all those stories you hear about missionaries getting doors slammed in their face and stuff? Yeah they are all true. but what can you do. I actually kind of enjoy it, its very humbling and also pretty funny sometimes. The life of a missionary, got to love it! 

I sent everybody a letter today, so hopefully you will be getting those soon (: I haven't gotten a package yet, but I bet I will soon! Thank you thank you (: Haha I am doing great, just trying to be more obedient and get into a flow with Elder Cutler still. I am so lucky to have you guys as my family. I love you so very much, and please know that I was just kidding about the Taylor Swift bracelet. Haha I love you guys! Have a great week!

Love, Cody

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