Monday, June 22, 2015

Elder Barnes Homecoming.......

I am starting to feel like a ward hopper as we attended the 4th homecoming of one of Cody's companions.  Today we got to hear Elder Barnes (Cody served with him for 4 months in Roswell, NM) speak about his mission, and what an incredible testimony he gained because of it.  His experience was one that took him through his own personal Gethsemane filled with struggles he could never have anticipated before he left, but because of them he developed his own personal testimony of the Savior and His Atonement.  As we listened to him bear a humble but strong testimony of Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost was overwhelmingly present to witness of truth.  These are the kind of experiences that are forever written upon my heart that I will never forget.  My memory is definitely showing signs of age, but every experience I have had in my life where the Spirit has taught me a gospel principle, I remember like it happened yesterday.  Its my prayer that my daughters will also remember the way they felt as they listened to this young man who chose to walk away from what the world had to offer him when he turned 18, and dedicate 2 years of his life to the Lord.  I am constantly amazed at what these young men can become when they place their trust in Him.  

I shake my head every time we meet one of Cody's companions, each and every one of them are pretty incredible.  Cody tells me he is a product of his companions, and his companions tell me the same thing about Cody.  After listening to Cody express his love for his mission presidents and companions, I am pretty confident he no longer wonders why he was called to serve in Lubbock, Texas.

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