Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Back in Lubbock again.........

Hey Mom and Dad!

Well, these past few days have been full of weak knees and a racing mind. Wednesday night President Heap called and asked if I would serve as one of his assistants. So, 3 days later, here I am in Lubbock once again. I am in a trio with Elders Richards and Watson. I am scared to death! I am so overwhelmed and so under-qualified. On Thursday President Heap showed me the transfer board, with a picture of all 230+ missionaries and the areas where they will be serving. I feel like I don't know anybody. As I was looking at it it occurred to me that in some way, albeit small at times, I have some sort of responsibility to make sure that they have the best, most safe experience possible. That is about when I got the stress overload haha. I am terrified, but I am also grateful. I am grateful that I will be able to spend a lot of time around President and Sister Heap. They are both absolutely incredible; I am so excited to be able to learn from them even more.

There are some changes with this calling. I will be serving in the College Park YSA ward, and I will be working on Texas Tech campus. I am not exactly sure what I will be doing from a day to day schedule. I know I will probably be spending a sufficient amount of time in the mission office working on whatever. I know that we will be touring the mission for the next 5 weeks; President Heap is starting his interview schedule on Thursday and we will be accompanying him to provide some sort of training to the missionaries. Then the following weeks we will be doing our Zone Conferences. My P days will now always be on Saturdays. 

I am grateful to be back in Texas again, but it was pretty hard leaving Roswell. 7 months was a long time, and I think that I was ready to go, but having grown there so much and having so much happen in that time period made it pretty hard. I am so grateful for the experiences I had there. 

It's funny, it seems that every time you start feeling comfortable in a certain position or calling you get a new one with new responsibilities and challenges. Haha I hope I never get comfortable as an assistant! I will probably be here for the next 3 or 4 transfers, and then will most likely spend the last month or two in the field. Wow. How did that happen?

Well Mom and Dad, I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am for your love and support. I look around and realize that I hit the lottery when it comes to the environment I was raised in. Thank you so much for providing everything, you weren't and aren't perfect, but you are pretty darn close (: I love you so much guys, and I look forward to hearing back from you. In the strength of the Lord we can do all things (: Even raise a punk like Cody!

Elder Backus

New Address
5001 Chicago Ave. #212
Lubbock, TX 79414

Cody with Elders Richards and Watson.

Cody with Elder Barnes (the one on the far right), his last companion.

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